Survey of parental experience of contact lens support

In this study, the service under evaluation is for paediatric aphakia patients. Soft contact lenses (CLs) are inserted at the time of surgery and remain in-situ for the immediate postoperative period. The aim is for families to undertake daily CLs...

Contact lenses for adults with infantile nystagmus

A pilot randomised controlled trial (RCT) was conducted to determine recruitment rates, acceptability of and adherence to treatment and adverse events along with change in best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and nystagmus parameters from baseline to two weeks follow-up. The...

Reducing myopia progression

This paper reports a literature review to discuss the environmental considerations and treatment options that can prevent the progression of myopia, including time spent outdoors, reduction of near vision activities, spectacle types, contact lens type and pharmacological treatment. The review...